
My name is Ryann Cane, and I was born and raised in a small one-square mile town on the Raritan Bay in New Jersey.

I met my husband Sean in 8th period art, freshman year of high school. With my hot pink hair and JNCO jeans, who was cooler than me? According to me he wasn't. I gave him hell for months, but that did not deter him. So as blase as it sounds, Sean and I are your typical high school sweet hearts. At 30 years young, we are coming up on our 15th (dating) anniversary.

By 19 we had our first son, Brandon. My Earth child. My grounding force. Until I saw his face I did not believe in love at first sight. Brandon is my little boy genius. He continues to surprise me everyday. The universe is his for the taking.

This is usually how you'll find Brandon

By 21 we had Joey, better known as Bear. My ball of fire. He burns with energy and fierceness. He's a sweet and gentle soul. His mind must honestly be a series of Mortal Kombat showdowns because he enacts them all alone, wherever we are. Food shopping? Joeys karate chopping his fool heart out in the cereal aisle.

By 24 we had Mylo. My spitfire. He has the body of an 8 year old but the spirit and temperament of a gladiator. Ain't nobody holding Myles down. I am a firm believer that he will rule his own empire one day, even if today it's only in Minecraft.

In 2014 my husband and I decided to try for one more. We began trying immediately and found out we were expecting just before my 31st birthday. We were thrilled, but things were kind of rocky from the very beginning. Brody was supposed to have had an identical twin. I was in fact pregnant with Mo/Di twins, twins that have their own sacs but share the same placenta. We lost the twin pretty early on, but we didn't know that when the twin perished he took his half of the placenta with him. At our 20 week anatomy scan we discovered that Brody had a condition known as IUGR, or intrauterine growth restriction. It's a condition where he is not getting enough sustenance from the placenta that is supposed to support him. From there I had close monitoring and although he was small, he was healthy. At 28 weeks gestation, I took a turn for the worse. My blood pressure sky rocketed and I started "dumping" protein in my urine. It got so bad that they had no choice but to perform an emergency ceserean at just 29 weeks pregnant. At the time I thought my world was ending. But Brody has brought so much life to it in the short time that he has been with us. 

As I am writing this, almost 16 months later, I am expecting yet another little boy again. I hope to chronicle my life as a boy mom instead of hide from it as I've done in the past. Life sure is about to get interesting.  



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